be part of the change
This post is a confession.
This industry is highly competitive and making a name for yourself isn't easy.
It's not enough to have awesome products.
It's not enough to have a great brand.
It's not enough to work really hard.
In a market as saturated as ours, if there's not a compelling story that grabs people by the heartstrings, it's all too easy to get lost amongst the noise.
Although sales are solid, for quite some time, this has been eating away at us.
Sure, we spend money on ads.
Of course, we do all of the things “you're supposed to do”.
But we just can't rest on our laurels.
The sincere compliments we get from our loyal customers who really love the quality of our garments are truly heartening, but we felt the need to go beyond “the typical” apparel marketing.
So, what could we do?
“Can yoga pants change the world?” we asked ourselves.
How can we make ourselves meaningful and relevant?
And then it dawned on us.
It's not the yoga pants that change the world - it's the woman inside them!
Regardless of your background, there's almost certainly been at least one special woman in your life.
Women are strong.
Women are powerful.
And women are making a real difference all over the world in ways that are big and small.
And so, that's what we want to focus on.
We want to tell the stories of women, like you, who are improving the lives and fortunes of the people they come in contact with.
Can you share your story with us?
If so, contact us, and we'll be proud to sing your praise!
SmartOne Apparel